Vascular Plant Flora of Patuxent Research Refuge
Authors: Bill Harms
Locality: Patuxent Research Refuge (39.060200, -76.780700)

Established in 1936 by executive order of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, the Patuxent Research Refuge is the nation's only national wildlife refuge established to support wildlife research. It is located between Washington, DC and Baltimore, MD.

CT=Central Tract
NT=North Tract
ST=South Tract

Nativity to refuge - Native, exotic, and uncertain.

Abundance qualifiers for refuge.
Abundant: occurring usually in large numbers or occupying large areas.
Common: plentiful throughout.
Frequent: widely distributed; occasionally plentiful.
Infrequent: occurring only occasionally.
Rare: not often found owing to its scarcity.
Local: restricted to a particular area.

The checklist uses Weakley 2022 with minor modifications for taxonomic nomenclature.

For additional information about this checklist, please contact: Bill Harms (

For comments about or corrections to individual entries, please leave a comment on the individual species page. Or contact Bill at the above email address

This is a work in progress and as such please use the data with care.


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Families: 147
Genera: 563
Species: 1299
Total Taxa: 1315

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Acorus calamus L. - Single-Vein Sweetflag
Rare; known from two stations, introduced at one station; roadside seepage, CT NT, nativity uncertain; F. M. Uhler s.n. [USFWS], Bill Harms 9327 [USFWS], Bill Harms 9595 [USFWS]
Local, single station; edge of pond, CT, exotic to refuge; from Back Bay, VA, planted 11/26/63; F. M. Uhler s.n. [USFWS], F. M. Uhler s.n. [USFWS]
Amaranthus blitum L. - Purple Amaranth
Amaranthus hybridus L. - Smooth Amaranth
Rare; disturbed areas, flower bed weed, CT NT, exotic; N. Hotchkiss 5720 [USFWS]
Infrequent ruderal; in disturbed areas, flower bed weed, CT NT ST, exotic; Bill Harms 7427 [USFWS], N. Hotchkiss 7112 [USFWS]
Amaranthus spinosus L. - Spiny Amaranth
Local, one station; flower bed weed, exotic; persisting for at least 4 years in garden; F. M. Uhler s.n. [USFWS]
Chenopodium album L. - Lamb's-Quarters
Infrequent, local common ruderal; in disturbed areas, CT NT ST, exotic; N. Hotchkiss 5708 [USFWS], Bill Harms 9629 [USFWS]
Rare ruderal, "waste ground", disturbed area in bottomland woods, CT NT, exotic; Bill Harms 7512 [USFWS], N. Hotchkiss 5508 [USFWS]
Rare ruderal; in flower garden and near gravel piles, CT NT, exotic; Bill Harms 6745 [USFWS], Bill Harms 7998 [USFWS], Bill Harms 7428 [USFWS], Bill Harms 7890 [USFWS]
Allium canadense L. - Meadow Garlic
Infrequent; bottomland woods and open swamps, CT NT ST, native; Bill Harms 7354 [MARY], Bill Harms 7354 [USFWS], William H. Stickel s.n. [USFWS], Bill Harms 6590 [USFWS]
Leucojum aestivum L. - Summer Snowflake
Infrequent; planted and persisting near old homesteads and in gardens, CT NT ST, exotic; Bill Harms 6273 [MARY], Bill Harms 6273 [USFWS], F. C. Schmid s.n. [USFWS], Matt Perry s.n. [USFWS]
Narcissus poeticus L. - Poet's Narcissus
Rare, locally common, plantings mostly near old homesteads, CT NT, exotic; Bill Harms 8857 [MARY], Bill Harms 8857 [USFWS]
Local, one station; planted and persisting in the middle of an open field-pasture, CT, exotic; Bill Harms 9118 [USFWS]
Local, one station; planted and persisting for many years in open areas near old horse stable area, NT, exotic; Bill Harms 6300 [USFWS]
Local, one station; planted and persisting in open area, NT, exotic; Bill Harms 7769 [USFWS]
Rhus aromatica Aiton - Fragrant Sumac
Local one station in garden, ST, cultivated exotic; Bill Harms 7906 [USFWS]
Rhus copallinum L. - Winged Sumac
Rhus typhina L. - Stag-Horn Sumac
Local, one station; "Thicket along brook", CT, native; N. Hotchkiss 5539 [USFWS]
Common, locally abundant; bottomland woods, open old fields, edge habitat, CT NT ST, native; Bill Harms 6501 [MARY], Bill Harms 8355 [USFWS], Bill Harms 6501 [USFWS], Bill Harms 7433 [USFWS], more...
Infrequent; woodland seepages, CT NT ST, native; N. Hotchkiss 5393 [USFWS], Robert Ferraro 37 [USFWS]
Local; woods, CT or ST, native; N. Hotchkiss 5784 [USFWS]
Local, known from one station; bottomland woods, NT, native; Bill Harms 6523 [USFWS]
Cicuta maculata L. - Spotted Water-Hemlock
Daucus carota L. - Queen Anne's-Lace
Common; open disturbed areas, old fields, CT NT ST, exotic; Ernest Clarke 91 [MARY], Bill Harms 6714 [USFWS], Ann Coren 26 [USFWS], N. Hotchkiss 5325 [USFWS]
Infrequent; woods, near streambank, CT NT ST, native; Matt Perry s.n. [USFWS], Bill Harms 7291 [USFWS], Bill Harms 8279 [USFWS]
Rare; habitat uncertain, collected near Cash Lake, ST, native; N. Hotchkiss 5571 [USFWS], N. Hotchkiss 5571 [USFWS]
Sanicula canadensis L. - Canadian Black-Snakeroot
Sium suave Walter - Hemlock Water-Parsnip
Local; known from one station, habitat uncertain, probably CT, native; Elmer G. Worthley s.n. [MARY]
Thaspium barbinode (Michx.) Nutt. - Hairy-Joint Meadow-Parsnip
Rare; bottomland woods, CT, native; N. Hotchkiss 6110 [USFWS]
Asclepias amplexicaulis Sm. - Clasping Milkweed
Open field under powerline, rare, native, CT, NT; Wayne D. Longbottom 3149 [MARY], N. Hotchkiss 5900 [USFWS], Bill Harms 6593 [USFWS]
Asclepias incarnata L. - Swamp Milkweed
Asclepias purpurascens L. - Purple Milkweed
Open field under cleared power line area, local, known from one station, native, CT; F. C. Schmid s.n. [USFWS], F. C. Schmid s.n. [USFWS]
Asclepias tuberosa L. - Butterfly Milkweed
Asclepias viridiflora Raf. - Green Comet Milkweed
Local, known from one station; wet area near stream, ST, native; N. Hotchkiss 5970 [USFWS], Bill Harms 8331 [USFWS]
Vinca minor L. - Lesser Periwinkle
Infrequent, locally common; open areas, near hedgerows, near old homesteads, CT NT ST, exotic; Bill Harms 8779 [MARY], Bill Harms 6353 [USFWS], N. Hotchkiss s.n. [USFWS], Bill Harms 8779 [USFWS], more...
Local; known from one station, planted ornamental, CT, exotic; Bill Harms 9190 [USFWS]
Ilex decidua Walter - Deciduous Holly
Local, known from one station; apparently planted as ornamental in open area near house, CT, probably exotic to refuge; J. B. Cope s.n. [USFWS]
Local, known from one station, ST, planted as ornamental, exotic to refuge; Bill Harms 7905 [USFWS]
Ilex laevigata (Pursh) A. Gray - Smooth Winterberry
Local, known from one station; roadside, CT, nativity to refuge uncertain; N. Hotchkiss 7209 [USFWS], F. M. Uhler s.n. [USFWS]
Rare; bottomland to terrace woods, seepage bogs, CT NT ST, native, Small Jack-in-the-pulpit; Bill Harms 7788 [MARY], Bill Harms 9255 [USFWS], Bill Harms 7788 [USFWS]
Lemna turionifera Landolt - Turion Duckweed
Local, known from one station; in a manmade pond, ST, native; James L. Reveal 7575 [MARY]
Lemna valdiviana Phil. - Pale Duckweed
Local, known from one station; open water, CT, native; F. M. Uhler s.n. [USFWS]
Local, known from one station; man-made impoundment, ST, probably exotic to refuge; Bill Harms 9078 [USFWS]
Infrequent, locally abundant; floating on open water, impoundments, ponds, CT NT ST, native; James L. Reveal 7576 [MARY], F. M. Uhler s.n. [USFWS], Bill Harms 10168 [USFWS], Bill Harms 6666 [USFWS], more...
Wolffia brasiliensis Wedd. - Brazilian Watermeal
Infrequent, locally abundant; floating on open water, impoundments, ponds, CT NT ST, native; Bill Harms 7122 [USFWS], Bill Harms 10169 [USFWS], N. Hotchkiss 7729 [USFWS]
Aralia nudicaulis L. - Wild Sarsaparilla
Rare, locally common; open mesic woods, CT NT ST, native; Matt Perry s.n. [USFWS], Bill Harms 7335 [USFWS], N. Hotchkiss 5446 [USFWS]
Hedera helix L. - English Ivy
Infrequent, locally common; open woods, climbing on trees etc, CT NT ST, exotic; Bill Harms 7003 [MARY], William H. Stickel s.n. [USFWS], Bill Harms 7003 [USFWS]
Bricks and masonry; on main gate, local, CT ST, exotic; Bill Harms 9475 [USFWS], Bill Harms 9670 [USFWS]
Hydrocotyle americana L. - American Marsh-Pennywort
Stream side, Local, known from one station, CT, to be sought eleswhere, apparently native; N. Hotchkiss 5306 [USFWS]
Hydrocotyle ranunculoides L. f. - Floating Marsh-Pennywort
Local, known from two stations; in shallow water near edge of pond, CT, nativity to refuge uncertain; Norton 26 [MARY], Norton 25 [MARY], F. M. Uhler s.n. [USFWS]
Local, known from one station; flower bed, planted and persisting, NT, exotic, supporting a population of pipevine swallowtails as host plant; Bill Harms 6466 [MARY], Bill Harms 6466 [USFWS]
Rare; roadside disturbed area, "open slope", CT NT, exotic; Bill Harms 6623 [MARY], N. Hotchkiss 5740 [USFWS], Bill Harms 6623 [USFWS]
Convallaria majalis L. - European Lily-of-the-Valley
Local, known from two stations; in cemetery and flower garden, NT, ST, Exotic; Bill Harms 8290 [USFWS], Bill Harms 6343 [USFWS]
Maianthemum canadense Desf. - False Lily-of-the-Valley
Frequent, locally common; bottomland woods, terrace woods, CT NT ST, native; Bill Harms 7270 [USFWS], N. Hotchkiss 5137 [USFWS], Bill Harms 9748 [USFWS]
Maianthemum racemosum (L.) Link - Feathery False Solomon's-Seal
Rare; upland woods, partially cleared forest, CT NT, native; Chandler S. Robbins 30 [MARY], N. Hotchkiss 5427 [USFWS]
Rare, locally common; open fallow fields, planted and persisting in cemetery, CT NT ST, exotic; Chandler S. Robbins 25 [MARY], N. Hotchkiss 5098 [USFWS], Bill Harms 6351 [USFWS]
Local, known from one station; bottomland woods on island, CT, native; C. Robbins s.n. [MARY], N. Hotchkiss 6701/7001 [USFWS]
Yucca filamentosa L. - Adam's-Needle
Rare, locally common; open meadow, dry areas, NT, probably exotic to refuge; Bill Harms 6145 [USFWS], Bill Harms 6647 [USFWS]
Yucca flaccida Haw. - Weak-Leaf Yucca
Rare, locally common; open meadow, dry areas, NT, probably exotic to refuge; Bill Harms 6144 [USFWS], Bill Harms 6615 [USFWS], Bill Harms 6114 [USFWS]
Hemerocallis fulva (L.) L. - Orange Day-Lily
Gardens around public buildings and adjacent areas areas, locally common, exotic, planted and persisting.; Anna Belle Owens s.n. [MARY], Bill Harms 6663 [MARY], N. Hotchkiss 6325 [USFWS], Bill Harms 6663 [USFWS]
Common, locally abundant; bottomland to mesic woods, edge habitats, CT NT ST, native; probably the most common and widespread fern on the Refuge; Bill Harms 8321 [MARY], Bill Harms 8321 [USFWS], Bill Harms 6767 [USFWS], N. Hotchkiss 5155 [USFWS], more...
Partly cleared woods, local, known from one station, probably CT, native; N. Hotchkiss 5597 [USFWS]
Ambrosia trifida L. - Great Ragweed
Roadside, dry disturbed areas, ruderal, rare, exotic, CT, NT; N. Hotchkiss 5492 [USFWS], Bill Harms 7508 [USFWS]
Antennaria parlinii Fernald - Parlin's Pussytoes
Anthemis cotula L. - Stinking Chamomile
Old fields, disturbed areas, rare, CT NT ST, exotic; N. Hotchkiss 5914 [USFWS], Bill Harms 9563 [USFWS]
"Old barnyard field", local, known from one station, native, CT, NT, ST; William H. Stickel s.n. [USFWS]
"Partly cleared woods", local, known from one station, native, CT; N. Hotchkiss 5433 [USFWS]
Artemisia vulgaris L. - Common Wormwood
Disturbed areas, frequent, locally common, exotic ruderal, CT, NT, ST; Bill Harms 7010 [MARY], Matt Perry s.n. [USFWS], Bill Harms 7010 [USFWS]
Roadside margin habitats, infrequent, CT, NT, ST; native; Bill Harms 7085 [MARY], R. E. Stewart s.n. [USFWS], Bill Harms 7085 [USFWS], Ann Coren 31 [USFWS]
Bidens bipinnata L. - Spanish-Needles
Roadsides, disturbed areas, margin habitats, open woods, infrequent, locally common, CT, NT, ST; native; N. Hotchkiss 5558 [USFWS], N. Hotchkiss 5627 [USFWS], Bill Harms 9672 [USFWS], Bill Harms 6944 [USFWS]
Bidens cernua L. - Nodding Burr-Marigold
wet areas, swamps, open seepages, rare, CT, NT; native; Bill Harms 7024 [USFWS]
Bidens comosa Wiegand - Three-Lobe Beggarticks
wet areas, swamps, rare, CT, NT, ST; native; Bill Harms 8683 [USFWS], Bill Harms 8204 [USFWS], Bill Harms 6940 [USFWS]
Bidens frondosa L. - Devil's-Pitchfork
wet areas, marshes, open bogs and seepages, rare, CT, NT, ST; native; F. M. Uhler s.n. [USFWS], Bill Harms 8670 [USFWS], N. Hotchkiss 5534 [USFWS]
Bidens vulgata Greene - Tall Beggarticks
Carduus nutans L. - Nodding Plumeless-Thistle
Centaurea solstitialis L. - Yellow Star-Thistle
Disturbed area, Local, known from one station, CT; exotic ruderal; F. M. Uhler s.n. [USFWS]
Centaurea stoebe L. - Spotted Knapweed
Common, roadsides, old fields, CT NT ST, exotic; Bill Harms 6620 [MARY], N. Hotchkiss 5628 [USFWS], Bill Harms 6620 [USFWS]
open meadows, roadsides, disturbed areas, common, CT, NT, ST; native; N. Hotchkiss 6712/7012 [USFWS], Bill Harms 6866 [USFWS], S. F. Blake s.n. [USFWS]
Coreopsis lanceolata L. - Lance-Leaf Tickseed
"wildflower" garden near NT Contact Station, local, NT, exotic, planted.; Bill Harms 9791 [USFWS]
Coreopsis tinctoria Nutt. - Golden Tickseed
old fields, disturbed areas, frequent, locally common, CT, NT, ST; native; Bill Harms 8207 [USFWS], Bill Harms 6668 [USFWS]
Cosmos sulphureus Cav. - Sulphur Cosmos
roadside, waif, NT, exotic; Bill Harms 5850 [USFWS]
Cyanus segetum Hill - Garden Cornflower
flower beds, distrubed areas, rare, CT, NT; exotic, not known to persist.; William H. Stickel s.n. [USFWS], Bill Harms 7855 [USFWS]
open woods margin areas, local, CT, NT, ST; native; William H. Stickel s.n. [USFWS], Bill Harms 8745 [USFWS], Bill Harms 9886 [USFWS]
Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench - Eastern Purple-Coneflower
flower gardens and adjacent areas, rare, NT; exotic, spreading where planted; Bill Harms 9338 [USFWS]
old fields, disturbed areas, gardens, infrequent, CT, NT, ST; exotic, can be weedy; Chris Winton 18 [USFWS], Bill Harms 8153 [USFWS], N. Hotchkiss 5652 [USFWS], Bill Harms 9086 [USFWS], more...
Elephantopus carolinianus Raeusch. - Carolina Elephant's-Foot
woodlands, local, CT; native, to be sought elsewhere; N. Hotchkiss 5557 [USFWS], Robert Ferraro 46 [USFWS]
areas with recent burns or soil disturbance, common, locally abundant, CT, NT, ST; native; Bill Harms 6816 [MARY], Bill Harms 9440 [USFWS], Matt Perry s.n. [USFWS], Bill Harms 6816 [USFWS], more...
Erigeron canadensis L. - Canadian Horseweed
old fields, disturbed areas, common, locally abundant, CT, NT, ST; native; Bill Harms 8418 [USFWS], Bill Harms 9375 [USFWS]
Erigeron philadelphicus L. - Philadelphia Fleabane
Erigeron pusillus Nutt. - Canadian horseweed
old fields, disturbed areas, rare, CT, NT, ST; native; Bill Harms 6878 [USFWS]
Eupatorium godfreyanum Cronquist - Godfrey's Thoroughwort
Old fields, disturbed areas, rare, possibly overlooked, CT, NT; native; Bill Harms 6851 [MARY], Bill Harms 6851 [USFWS]
Open meadows, roadsides, disturbed areas, frequent, locally common, CT, NT, ST; native; Bill Harms 6802 [MARY], Bill Harms 6802 [USFWS], Robert Ferraro 43 [USFWS], Bill Harms 9371 [USFWS], more...
Open meadow, Local, known from one station, CT, NT, ST; native; William H. Stickel s.n. [USFWS]
Roadsides, disturbed areas, margin habitats, open woods, common, CT, NT, ST; native; Bill Harms 6909 [MARY], Bill Harms 6909 [USFWS], Bill Harms 10068 [USFWS], Bill Harms 8405 [USFWS], more...
Eutrochium purpureum (L.) E. E. Lamont - Sweet-Scented Joe-Pye-Weed
open meadows, roadside ditches, infrequent, CT, NT, ST; native; Bill Harms 6823 [MARY], Bill Harms 6823 [USFWS], Bill Harms 8110 [USFWS]
disturbed areas, Known only to one station, CT; exotic; N. Hotchkiss 5235 [USFWS]
disturbed areas, Local, known from one station, CT; exotic; William H. Stickel s.n. [USFWS]
Helenium autumnale L. - Autumn Sneezeweed
Habitat not recorded, local, only one record, CT, native; Bill Harms 8752 [SEINet], Harms, Bill 8353 [NCU], Bill Harms 8353 [USFWS], N. Hotchkiss 6028 [USFWS]
Damp brush-bordered roadside, Local, known from one station, CT, native; N. Hotchkiss 6728/7028 [USFWS]
Helianthus annuus L. - Common Sunflower
Near visitor centers and contact stations, local, NT, ST; exotic to refuge; probably sprouting from bird feeder seed; Bill Harms 8494 [USFWS], Bill Harms 8351 [USFWS]
Helianthus decapetalus L. - Thin-Leaf Sunflower
Bottomland woods, open areas, infrequent, CT, NT, ST; native; W. R. Greiner s.n. [USFWS]
Helianthus giganteus L. - Giant Sunflower
Helianthus mollis Lam. - Ashy Sunflower
open meadow, old field, local, NT; exotic, planted in experimental planting; Bill Harms 6882 [USFWS]
open area near hedgerow, Waif, local, NT; exotic; Bill Harms 9701 [USFWS], Bill Harms 10215 [USFWS], Bill Harms 10215 [USFWS]
Helianthus tuberosus L. - Jerusalem-Artichoke
Bottomland woods, infrequent, CT, NT, ST; native; Bill Harms 10135 [USFWS], Robert Ferraro 45 [USFWS], William H. Stickel s.n. [USFWS]
Hieracium venosum L. - Rattlesnake-Weed
Mesic woodlands; woods margins, infrequent, locally common, CT, NT, ST; native; Bill Harms 6424 [USFWS], N. Hotchkiss 5242 [USFWS]
Ionactis linariifolius (L.) Greene - Flax-Leaf Ankle-Aster
Habitat not recorded on voucher, Local, one report, CT, native; N. Hotchkiss 5775 [USFWS]
Open old field, Local, locally common, New Maryland state record; Bill Harms 9999 [USFWS], Bill Harms 9557 [USFWS]
Krigia dandelion (L.) Nutt. - Potato Dwarf-Dandelion
Bottomland woods, open areas, Local, NT; native; Bill Harms 7356 [USFWS]
Habitat not recorded on voucher, Local, CT, native; S. F. Blake s.n. [USFWS]
Open wet woods and wet meadows, rare, locally common, CT, NT, ST; native; Bill Harms 6937 [USFWS], N. Hotchkiss 6996 [USFWS], Bill Harms 7506 [USFWS], S. F. Blake s.n. [USFWS]
Lactuca saligna L. - Willow-Leaf Lettuce
Disturbed areas, infrequent, locally common, ST; exotic; established around Cash Lake; Ann Coren 30 [USFWS], Dave Anderson 1 [USFWS]
Leontodon saxatilis Lam. - Lesser Hawkbit
"Dry weedy slope", Local, known from one station, CT, NT, ST; exotic; William H. Stickel s.n. [USFWS]
Liatris pilosa (Aiton) Willd. - Shaggy Gayfeather
open dry areas, infrequent, locally common, CT, NT, ST; native; Bill Harms 6964 [MARY], Bill Harms 6964 [USFWS], Bill Harms 9421 [USFWS], N. Hotchkiss 5630 [USFWS]
Matricaria discoidea DC. - Pineapple-Weed
old fields, disturbed areas, local, only one record, ST; exotic; Bill Harms 9613 [USFWS]
Open woods, Local, one report, CT; native; N. Hotchkiss 5602 [USFWS]
Pilosella officinarum Vaill. - Mouse-Ear Hawkweed
Roadside disturbed area, local, NT, to be sought elsewhere; exotic; Bill Harms 6477 [USFWS]
Open areas in bottomland woods,
Rare, NT, CT native - Camphor Weed; Bill Harms 7000 [MARY], F. M. Uhler s.n. [USFWS], Bill Harms 10046 [USFWS], Bill Harms 7000 [USFWS]
Rudbeckia fulgida Aiton - Orange Coneflower
Flower garden, local, ST; planted, exotic to refuge; Bill Harms 8150 [USFWS], Bill Harms 9107 [USFWS]
Rudbeckia hirta L. - Black-Eyed-Susan
Rudbeckia laciniata L. - Green-Head Coneflower
Woods, one record, to be sought elsewhere, CT; uncertain; N. Hotchkiss 5485 [USFWS]
Rudbeckia triloba L. - Brown-Eyed-Susan
"wildflower" garden near NT Contact Station, several patches, local, NT; exotic; Bill Harms 9108 [USFWS]
Senecio vulgaris L. - Old-Man-in-the-Spring
disturbed areas, ruderal, infrequent, but widespread, NT, to be sought elsewhere; exotic; Bill Harms 6516 [USFWS]
Solidago altissima L. - Tall Goldenrod
Solidago caesia L. - Wreath Goldenrod
Solidago nemoralis Aiton - Gray Goldenrod
Solidago rugosa Mill. - Wrinkle-Leaf Goldenrod
Symphyotrichum novi-belgii (L.) G.L.Nesom - New Belgium American-Aster
Symphyotrichum patens (Aiton) G. L. Nesom - Late Purple American-Aster
Symphyotrichum pilosum (Willd.) G. L. Nesom - White Oldfield American-Aster
Infrequent; wet woods, wooded bottomland bluffs, CT NT ST, native; We choose to treat refuge material as the separate species Athyrium asplenoides (sometimes referred to as syn. A. filix-femina ssp./var. asplenoides). We note that some researchers might treat this material as plainly Athyrium filix-femina s.l., source: Weakley, A.S., and Southeastern Flora Team. 2024. Flora of the southeastern United States Web App. University of North Carolina Herbarium, North Carolina Botanical Garden, Chapel Hill, U.S.A.; Elmer G. Worthley s.n. [MARY], N. Hotchkiss 7009 [USFWS], F. M. Uhler s.n. [USFWS], Bill Harms 7728 [USFWS], more...
Local, known from one station; bottomland woods, CT or ST, native; perhaps more common, just overlooked.; R. E. Stewart s.n. [USFWS]
Impatiens capensis Meerb. - Spotted Touch-Me-Not
Frequent, locally common to abundant; roadside ditches and wet slopes, CT NT ST, native; N. Hotchkiss 5288 [USFWS], Bill Harms 6723 [USFWS]
Berberis julianae C.K. Schneid. - Wintergreen Barberry
Rare, known from one station; bottomland woods, CT, exotic; several plants intermixed with Berberis thunbergii; Bill Harms 9481 [USFWS]
Berberis thunbergii DC. - Japanese Barberry
Common, locally abundant; bottomland to mesic woods, CT NT ST, exotic; aggressively invasive; Bill Harms 6350 [USFWS], F. M. Uhler s.n. [USFWS], Bill Harms 7208 [USFWS], Matt Perry s.n. [USFWS]
Mahonia bealei (Fortune) Pynaert - Beale's Oregon-Grape
Local, small populations; apparently planted in hedgerows and open woods, CT, exotic; Bill Harms 9716 [USFWS], Bill Harms 9128 [USFWS]
Betula nigra L. - River Birch
Frequent, locally abundant; hedgerows, stream edges and other habitats with subsurface water, CT NT ST, native; Bill Harms 6087 [USFWS], N. Hotchkiss 5647 [USFWS], Bill Harms 6387 [USFWS], Bill Harms 6134 [USFWS], more...
Carpinus caroliniana Walter - American Hornbeam
Rare; edge of woods and hedgerows; Rare; edge of woods and hedgerows, CT NT; CT NT, exotic; planted and persisting; exotic; planted and persisting; A. Owens s.n. [MARY], Bill Harms 7489 [USFWS], N. Hotchkiss 6999 [USFWS], Bill Harms 7886 [USFWS], more...
Anchistea virginica C.Presl - Virginia Chain Fern
Infrequent, locally common; swamps and seepages, CT NT ST, native; N. Hotchkiss 8232 [VT], N. Hotchkiss 5503 [USFWS], Bill Harms 7293 [USFWS]
Rare, known from one station; distured area, NT, exotic; Bill Harms 6555 [USFWS]
Echium vulgare L. - Common Viper's-Bugloss
Rare, known from one station; roadside weed; Bill Harms 7933 [USFWS]
Myosotis laxa Lehm. - Bay Forget-Me-Not
Rare; river bottoms, sand bars, CT NT, native; N. Hotchkiss 5231 [USFWS], Bill Harms 6724 [USFWS]
Myosotis verna Nutt. - Spring Forget-Me-Not
Rare, known from one station; distured area, CT NT ST, native; invasive; Bill Harms 9567 [USFWS]
Common, locally abundant; bottomlands, open woods and fields, CT NT ST, exotic; Bill Harms 6433 [USFWS], Bill Harms 9747 [USFWS]
Infrequent; disturbed areas, CT NT ST, exotic; Bill Harms 7762 [USFWS], F. M. Uhler s.n. [USFWS]
Local, known from one station; bottomland woods, CT, native; N. Hotchkiss 5110 [USFWS], Bill Harms 9908 [USFWS]
Hesperis matronalis L. - Dame's Rocket
Rare, known from one station; distured area, NT, exotic; Bill Harms 7877 [USFWS]
Lepidium virginicum L. - Poorman's-Pepperwort
Rorippa sylvestris (L.) Besser - Creeping Yellowcress
Local, known from one station; open woods, disturbed area, NT, exotic; Bill Harms 8869 [MARY], Bill Harms 8983 [USFWS], Bill Harms 8869 [USFWS]
Sisymbrium altissimum L. - Tall Hedge-Mustard
Local, known from one station; "waste ground", CT or ST, exotic; N. Hotchkiss 5849 [USFWS]
Thlaspi arvense L. - Field Pennycress
Rare, only a few stations; disturbed areas, CT ST, exotic; W. R. Greiner s.n. [USFWS], Bill Harms 9564 [USFWS], William H. Stickel s.n. [USFWS]
Turritis glabra L. - Tower-Mustard
Local, known from one station; roadside disturbed area, NT, exotic; Bill Harms 9767 [USFWS]
Frequent, locally abundant; impoundments., CT NT ST, nativity to refuge uncertain; planted in Cash Lake and maybe other locations.; Bill Harms 6584 [USFWS], F. M. Uhler s.n. [USFWS], Bill Harms 9266 [USFWS], Matt Perry s.n. [USFWS]
Opuntia cespitosa Raf. - Western Prickly-Pear
Infrequent, locally abundant; open sandy areas, NT, Probably native to refuge, source: Lucas C. Majure, Walter S. Judd, Pamela S. Soltis & Douglas E. Soltis, Taxonomic revision of the Opuntia humifusa complex (Opuntieae: Cactaceae) of the eastern United States. PHYTOTAXA. Magnolia Press 2017.; Maynard, Lauren 47 [NCU], Bill Harms 6592 [USFWS], Bill Harms 9990 [USFWS], Bill Harms 9988 [USFWS], more...
Infrequent; waste areas, hedgerows, CT NT ST, exotic; Bill Harms 7012 [MARY], Bill Harms 6985 [USFWS], Bill Harms 7012 [USFWS]
Humulus lupulus L. - Common Hop
Local; known from one station, wooded bottomland; N. Hotchkiss 6021 [USFWS]
Diervilla lonicera Mill. - Northern Bush-Honeysuckle
Local, known from one station; dry clearing, ST, exotic; J. P. Hughes s.n. [USFWS], J. P. Hughes s.n. [USFWS]
Dipsacus fullonum L. - Fuller's teasel
Rare; open old field, CT, exotic; Bill Harms 9074 [USFWS]
Rare; open shrub meadow, NT ST, exotic; Bill Harms 6232 [USFWS], Ann Coren 36 [USFWS]
Lonicera japonica Thunb. - Japanese Honeysuckle
Common, locally abundant; open understory in woods, edge of woods, agressively invasive, CT NT ST, exotic; Bill Harms 6539 [MARY], Bill Harms 7657 [USFWS], Matt Perry s.n. [USFWS], F. M. Uhler s.n. [USFWS], more...
Lonicera tatarica L. - Twinsisters
Local, known from one station; open slope, CT, exotic; F. M. Uhler s.n. [USFWS]
Infrequent; disturbed areas, edge of fields, CT NT ST, exotic; Bill Harms 9556 [USFWS], Bill Harms 6459 [USFWS], Bill Harms 7245 [USFWS], J. W. Brainerd 444 [USFWS]
Agrostemma githago L. - Common Corncockle
Local, known from one station; roadside, CT or ST, native; G. H. Jensen s.n. [USFWS]
Cerastium arvense L. - Field Mouse-Ear Chickweed
Local; planted and persisting in garden, ST, exotic; Bill Harms 9517 [USFWS]
Cerastium fontanum Baumg. - Common Mouse-Ear Chickweed
Cerastium semidecandrum L. - Five-Stamen Mouse-Ear Chickweed
Holosteum umbellatum L. - Jagged-Chickweed
Infrequent, winter annual; disturbed areas, CT NT ST, exotic; possibly overlooked; Bill Harms 6226 [USFWS], Ann Coren 17.5 [USFWS], Bill Harms 7887 [USFWS]
Infrequent; mostly bottomlands, CT NT ST, native; Bill Harms 6700 [USFWS], Bill Harms 7801 [USFWS]
Rare; powerline clearing, dirt road tracks, CT NT, native; Bill Harms 9654 [USFWS], N. Hotchkiss 7330 [USFWS]
Local, known from one station; roadside, NT, exotic; Bill Harms 6651 [USFWS]
Rare; old field, garden, roadside, CT NT, exotic; Bill Harms 9054 [MARY], Roy Grizzell s.n. [USFWS], Bill Harms 6728 [USFWS]
Scleranthus annuus L. - Annual Knawel
Infrequent; disturbed areas, ruderal, CT NT ST, exotic; Bill Harms 6210 [USFWS], Bill Harms 9536 [USFWS], N. Hotchkiss 5124 [USFWS]
Silene caroliniana Walter - Sticky Catchfly
Local, known from one station; woods margin, piled rocky soil, NT, native; Bill Harms 6311 [USFWS]
Silene latifolia Poir. - Bladder-Campion
Infrequent; disturbed areas. old field, field margins, roadside,, CT NT ST, exotic; N. Hotchkiss 5106 [USFWS], Bill Harms 6490 [USFWS], Bill Harms 9021 [USFWS], Bill Harms 6945 [USFWS], more...
local, known from two stations; roadside on berm, disturbed area, CT NT, native; N. Hotchkiss 6997 [USFWS], Bill Harms 9658 [USFWS]
rare; parking lot and roadside waste areas, CT NT, exotic; Bill Harms 6510 [USFWS]
Spergula arvensis L. - Corn Spurry
Local; known from two stations; pitch pine woods clearing, NT, exotic; Bill Harms 8812 [MARY], Bill Harms 9114 [USFWS], Bill Harms 8812 [USFWS]
Local, known from one station; hardpan in parking lot, NT, nativity uncertain; Bill Harms 6517 [USFWS]
Stellaria graminea L. - Grass-Leaf Starwort
Stellaria longipes Goldie - Long-Stalk Starwort
Local, known from one station; wet area next to stream, NT, nativity uncertain; Bill Harms 7240 [USFWS]
Euonymus americanus L. - American Strawberry-Bush
Infrequent; open woods, bottomlands, hedgerows, CT NT ST, native; Bill Harms 6585 [MARY], Bill Harms 9904 [USFWS], N. Hotchkiss 5167 [USFWS], Bill Harms 6585 [USFWS]
Infrequent, locally abundant; floating on open water, impoundments, ponds, CT NT ST, native; Bill Harms 6705 [USFWS], Bill Harms 6290 [USFWS], Bill Harms 6755 [USFWS], Bill Harms 9262 [USFWS]
Lechea minor L. - Thyme-Leaf Pinweed
Rare; wet to dry sandy soil, CT ST, native; Henry Hebert s.n. [DOV], John E. DeTurck s.n. [DOV]
Lechea pulchella Raf. - Leggett's Pinweed
Infrequent; dry sandy areas, CT NT ST, native; W. R. Greiner s.n. [USFWS], Bill Harms 6698 [USFWS]
Uvularia perfoliata L. - Perfoliate Bellwort
Rare; open wet woods, CT NT ST, native; Bill Harms 8277.5 [USFWS], L. W. Saylor s.n. [USFWS]
Commelina virginica L. - Virginia Dayflower
Local, known from one station; margin of bottomland run, CT, native; N. Hotchkiss 5451 [USFWS]
Tradescantia virginiana L. - Virginia Spiderwort
Rare, locally abundant; near old homestead, scattered individuals elsewhere, NT, nativity uncertain; Bill Harms 6502 [MARY], Bill Harms 6502 [USFWS], Bill Harms 6498 [USFWS]
Juniperus virginiana L. - Eastern Red-Cedar
Thuja occidentalis L. - Eastern Arborvitae
Hedgerow, known from several locations, Planted in cemeteries, memorials, etc. Large planted stand on Central Tract; Bill Harms 7155 [USFWS], Bill Harms 7155 [USFWS], Bill Harms 9072 [USFWS]
Carex crinita Lam. - Fringed Sedge
Carex intumescens Rudge - Greater Bladder Sedge
Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd. - Stalk-Grain Sedge