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Species Inventories
Species Inventories
- Arkansas Valley Rapid Floristic Inventory
- Atwell Gulch
- Baca National Wildlife Refuge Floristic Inventory
- Bison Lake, Flat Tops
- Blue Lakes, White River NF
- Bluff Lake Natural Area
- Boreas Pass
- Bridal Veil Falls
- Chatfield Farms Riparian Flora, Denver Botanic Gardens
- Chatfield Farms, Denver Botanic Gardens
- Cherokee Ranch & Castle 2012 Floristic Inventory
- Chipeta Falls, Curecanti National Recreation Area
- Clear Lake, San Juan County, CO.
- CoNPS: Aiken Canyon Field Trip 1992
- CoNPS: American Basin Field Trip 1995
- CoNPS: Arapahoe Bend Northern Chapter Field Trip
- CoNPS: Arthur's Rock Nor. Chapter Field Trip 2009
- CoNPS: Beaver Creek Wilderness Area Southeast Chapter Field Trip 2011
- CoNPS: Blue Lake Trail Northern Chapter Field Trip 2014
- CoNPS: Boreas Pass Draba spp. Field Trip 2013
- CoNPS: Buffalo Creek Fire Field Trip 1998
- CoNPS: Courthouse Mountain Trail
- CONPS: Dominguez Canyon
- CoNPS: East Lost Park BioBlitz 2012
- CoNPS: Eastern Colorado Prairie Ranchlands Flora near Wray, Northern Chapter Field Trip 2016
- CONPS: Escalante Canyon – Cottonwood Spring
- CoNPS: Gateway Park Field Trip 2011
- CONPS: Gateway: Entrada and Cutler trails
- CoNPS: Narraguinnep Canyon 2001
- CoNPS: Neota Wilderness 1996-1997
- CoNPS: North Table Mountain #1 1994
- CoNPS: Opal Lake Field Trip 2010
- CoNPS: Owl Creek Pass 2007
- CoNPS: Pagosa Peak 1999
- CoNPS: Pagosa Springs Country 1994
- CoNPS: Pattridge Open Space Metro Denver Field Trip 2016
- CoNPS: Pawnee National Grassland #1 1979
- CoNPS: Peak 7 Ten-Mile Range Northern Chapter Field Trip 2016
- CoNPS: Phantom Canyon Preserve Field Trip 2015
- CoNPS: Red Rocks Park Field Trip 2015
- CoNPS: Reservoir Ridge Field Trip 2011
- CoNPS: Timpas Creek SE Chapter Field Trip 2015
- Coon Hollow
- County Line Hill Rd.
- Crag Crest Trail, west end, Grand Mesa
- Crystal Lake and fen
- Devil Creek State Wildlife Area
- Disappointment Valley at Tri-State powerline
- Dominguez campground and upper Dominguez trail
- Dry Creek Basin SWA
- East Orchard Mesa
- Escalante Canyon, Cap's Spring to BLM boundary
- Escalante Forks
- Escalante State Wildlife Area-South
- Escalante-Dominguez NCA Gravel pit at bridge
- First Fork Road, Piedra River
- Flume Creek Canyon, lower Devil's Canyon
- Gateway North
- Gateway South (Hwy 141 and Rd 7.2)
- Glade Lake wetlands
- Grand Mesa - Land’s End Road
- Grand Mesa National Forest) at Sunnyside Rd. USGS
- Grand Mesa, Meadows near Kiser Slough and roadside
- Grand Mesa. Hwy 65 at forest boundary
- Gunnison River at 7.3 Road
- Heart Lake, Flat Tops
- High Line Canal 2018 Botanical Survey
- Horsethief Canyon
- Humphreys Ranch Botanical Inventory
- Independence Pass
- Iron Quarry
- Ironton Park
- Keystone Gulch
- Larson Canyon
- Lone Cone State Wildlife Area
- Loveland Pass
- Magnolia Mine
- McCarty Bench Trail
- Miramonte State Natural Area
- Navajo Lake State Park
- Nine Mile Hill
- Ouray Ice Park
- Ouray Perimeter Trail section 2
- Ouray Perimeter Trail, Section 1 (“Potato Patch”)
- Paradox Valley
- Piceance Basin, CR83 and CR24
- Pine Creek, Curecanti Nat'l Recreation Area
- Portland Trail
- Quandary Peak
- Ridgway State Park
- Rocky Mountain Biological Lab
- Santa Fe Peak
- Shambhala Mtn Ctr Floristic Inventory 2013-2015
- Silver Mountain / Revenue Mountain
- Sinbad Valley
- Taylor Pass
- The Hunting Ground (Dominguez- Escalante NCA
- The Palisade, lower west slopes
- The Ridge at Hiwan
- Town of Independence
- Upper Lost Man Trail
- USA, Colorado
- 2003 Woody plant expedition conducted by Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, Tsukuba, J
- 2006 summer woody plant expedition conducted by Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, Tsu
- 2009 third Woody Plant Expedition
- 2011 summer Woody Plant Expedition
- 2018 Tiny sample checklist
- 2019 AZ/NM Plateau Target List
- 2022 Arizona Flora Finders Species
- 2022 NMSO Target List
- 4th field expedition conducted to the USSR under the USA/USSR Cooperative Agreement in the Protectio
- A collection made during a floristic study of the Savannah River Operations Area of the Atomic Energ
- A floristic and vegetation study of the Black & Craggy Mountains
- A Floristic Checklist of Shenandoah River State Park, Warren County, Virginia
- A Floristic Study of Boggs' Rock a Granite-Gneiss Outcrop North of Liberty, Pickens County, S.C.
- A Floristic Study of Long Hope Creek Valley
- A Floristic Survey of Sumter National Forest, Oconee County, S.C.
- A Geobotanical Investigation of Chandler Mountain
- A Monograph of Delopyrum, Dentoceras, Polygonella, and Thysanella (Polygonaceae)
- A new method for creating a visual plant identification key (Dellinger-Johnston)
- A Phytosociological Study of the Weed Communities of Scotland Co., North Carolina
- A study of pollination and floral biology in Thaspium and Zizia
- A Study of Yellow-Birch Communities
- A survey of the flora in the vicinity of a proposed transmission line for Sho-Me Power Corporation
- A Vascular Flora of Morrow Mountain State Park, Stanly County, North Carolina
- A visit to the grave of Thomas Walter
- ABS 380 Restoration and Wildlife Plants
- ABS_380_Fa21_Exam 2
- ABS_380_Fa21_Exam1
- Additions to the Flora of Short Mountain
- Agrostology 454 list one
- Aiken Gopher Tortoise Heritage Preserve
- Alabama Biological Survey
- Alberta Rare Species
- Alisos Watershed
- All Veg
- Amsonia tharpii associated species
- Amsterdam Sloughs Wildlife Area
- An Ecosystematic Analysis of Carolina Bays in Coastal Plain of North and South Carolina
- An Ecosystematic Analysis of the Vegetation of Hanging Rock State Park, Danbury, NC (McCurdy)
- An ecosystematic survey of selected areas of the Hot Springs Valley, Madison County, North Carolina
- Analysis of vegetation in the Croatan National Forest, North Carolina (Snyder, James R.)
- Aquatic Invasive Plant Guide Species List
- Arctic Expedition of The Catholic University of America 1939: Flora of Ungava and Labrador
- Arctic Institute of North America -- UNGAVA EXPEDITION, 1953
- Arivaipa Canyon
- Arizona Invasive Species
- Arizona Invasives
- Arizona Society of Landscape Architects
- Ashmore Heritage Preserve
- ASU - PLB310 - Flora of Arizona campus plants checklist 2015
- ASU Campus
- ASU Poly-ABS 380 Field Trip Plants
- August at the Museum of Northern Arizona
- Babbitt Spring
- Backyard Biologist - 2017 N.C. Science Olympiad
- Bald Rock Heritage Preserve
- BANWR MBQ Habitat Enhancement Plots
- Bass Lake Preserve State Natural Area
- Bear Canyon Papaz
- Bennetts Bay Heritage Preserve
- BHRI Frugavore List : Softwood Propagation
- BHRI Frugavore Propagation Plant List
- Biblioteca USON - Explorando la Sierra El Aguaje, Municipio de Guaymas, Sonora, México
- Biblioteca USON - Las Cactáceas del Estado de Sonora, México
- Biblioteca USON - Plantas endémicas del estado de Sonora, México
- Biblioteca USON - Plantas vasculares del Estado de Sonora, México.
- Biblioteca USON - Pteridofitas de Sonora
- Biblioteca USON - The Euphorbiaceae of Sonora, Mexico
- Bijou Basin 2019 Day Visit
- Bill Harms
- Biltmore Estate Flora
- BIO312L: Common Woody Plants of Northern Kentucky
- BioBlitz at Frances Short Pond
- BLM Redding Collection List
- BLM Redding Possible Species List
- Blomberg Lake and Woods State Natural Area
- Blue Ridge Center for Environmental Stewardship
- Bluestone National Scenic River specimens at NCU
- Bluff Lake Nature Center
- Boca Chica
- Botanical Inventory of The Rocky Flats Site
- Botanical Survey of Georgia
- Botanical Survey of St. Lawrence Seaway and Power Project area
- Botanical Survey of the Ozark National Scenic Riverways
- Botany Bay Plantation Heritage Preserve/Wildlife Management Area
- Brasstown Creek Heritage Preserve
- Brazoria Solar I and II
- Brittlebush Solar
- Brockway Ponds State Natural Area
- Brown Canyon
- Brown Mountain
- Brule River State Forest - Thomson 1942-1944
- Brule River State Forest Revisted - 2015-2018
- Bryce Canyon
- Buck Creek Serpentine Barren
- Buckeye Knob Observational Species List
- Bunched Arrowhead Heritage Preserve
- Buzzard Roost Heritage Preserve
- Calcareous Pine Savannas of Southeastern North Carolina
- California - Ano Nuevo State Park spring 2019
- California - Baylands Kite Hill spring 2019
- California - Big Basin State Park spring 2019
- California - Bonny Doon Ecological Reserve spring 2019
- California - Cooley Picnic Area spring 2019
- California - Edgewood Preserve spring 2019
- California - Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Reserve spring 2019
- California - Foothill Campus spring 2019
- California - Henry Coe State Park spring 2019
- California - McClellan Ranch Preserve spring 2019
- California - Montebello Open Space Preserve spring 2019
- California - Moss Landing State Beach spring 2019
- California - Palo Alto Baylands Trail spring 2019
- California - Pescadero Marsh spring 2019
- California - Pillar Point spring 2019
- California - Redwood Grove Preserve spring 2019
- California - Russian Ridge Audrey Rust spring 2019
- Camp Dawson Floristic Inventory
- Cañón El Nacapule
- CAP - Salt 2012
- Carex of Bean Blossom Bottoms
- Carex of Trevlac Bluffs
- Cartwheel Bay Heritage Preserve
- Catálogo de especies poliníferas y nectaríferas de Colima
- Cathedral Bay Heritage Preserve
- CFO Species List
- Charleston Mountain Flora [Notes on the Flora of the Charleston Mountains, Clark County, Nevada]
- Chatfield Farms Upland Flora, Denver Botanic Gardens
- Checklist: Preliminary Vascular Flora of the St. Anne Wetlands
- Chestnut Ridge Heritage Preserve
- Childsbury Towne Heritage Preserve
- Chimney Rock Area
- Chiricahua AZNPS 08-16-2016
- Chiricahua AZNPS 09-05-2015
- Chiricahua AZNPS 16 Sep 2018
- City of Round Rock
- Clay Boswell Steam Electric Station
- CNF TESP Look-Alikes: Astragalus rusbyi
- CNF TESP Look-Alikes: Astragalus troglodytus
- CNF TESP Look-Alikes: Penstemon clutei
- CNF TESP Look-Alikes: Penstemon linarioides ssp. compactifolius
- CNF TESP Look-Alikes: Penstemon nudiflorus
- Co-evolution of Packera & Phyllocnistis insignis
- Coal Mine Canyon (AZGFD), Grosvenor Hills
- Coldwater Conservation Area Botanical Survey
- Collected during Natural Heritage Inventory of Davidson Co.
- Collected during Natural Heritage Inventory of Montgomery Co.
- Collected during Natural Heritage Inventory of Randolph Co.
- Collected during Natural Heritage Inventory of Richmond Co.
- Collected for "Flora of Central South Georgia"
- Collected for Conference on District Flora
- Collected for Okefenokee Swamp Ecosystem Project
- Collected for Pine Mountain Flora
- Collected for the "Flora of the Carolinas"
- Collected for the Atlas of the Flora of S.C. Project
- Collections from Battery Island in the Cape Fear River off Southport
- Collin County, Texas
- Colton Garden including Colton Community Garden
- Common Invasive Plants of the N. Great Plains
- Common Veg
- Comparative variability in Utricularia cornuta and Utricularia juncea
- Congaree Bluffs Heritage Preserve
- CONPS Owl Creek Pass
- CoNPS: Cannonball Mesa
- CoNPS: North Table Mountain 2019
- Cook County EcoFlora Test
- Corazon Solar, Laredo, Texas
- Crex Meadows Wildlife Area
- Crex Sand Prairie State Natural Area
- Crosby Oxypolis Heritage Preserve
- Cross Florida Barge Canal Study
- Cultivated - Phoenix
- Cultivated Plants of North Carolina
- Cultivated Plants of Randolph County, North Carolina
- Custer County Brush Creek Fen
- Daddy's Creek Riverscour
- Dallas County, Texas
- DBG Lower Meadow
- DBG Middle Meadow
- DBG Upper Meadow
- Dead Horse State Park
- Denton County, Texas
- Denver Botanic Gardens Chatfield Thistles (ID)
- Denver, City and County
- Desert Arboretum Park
- Desert Willow Energy Storage Tract, Midlothian, Texas
- Deso-gray and cataract plants
- DETEC Long Pines Substation
- DFLT Black Mountain parcel
- DFLT New River Nature Reserve
- Dichanthelium of Arkansas Project
- Digitalización y escaneo de topotipos depositados en el Herbario CIIDIR
- Dionaea Endemism
- Distribution and production of the macrobenthic flora of a North Carolina estuary
- Ditch Pond Heritage Preserve
- Door County 2017
- DuPage Lake Peatlands State Natural Area
- East Lost Park BioBlitz 2012
- Eastatoe Creek Heritage Preserve
- Eastern Michigan University Campus
- Eastern Oregon - Northern Great Basin 2016-2017
- ECFEK Texas hill
- ECOL/PLS 472/572 Class Checklist
- Ecosystematic Survey of Ocracoke Island
- El Coronado Plant List - Coal Pit Project
- El Peregrino - Especies posibles
- Eleven Mile Plants
- Elfrida FFA
- Eli Lilly & Co.
- Ellis County, Texas
- Enivornmental Technology Center
- Entergy Western (Cleveland, Tx)
- Erath County, Texas
- ETI Preferred Tract
- Eva Russell Chandler Heritage Preserve
- Expedition to the Appalachian Mountains, 1924 (University of Michigan Herbarium)
- Exploration of the Everglade Keys, Tropical Florida
- Exploration of the Everglades
- Fairmount Park
- Farmington AIM Crew Common Plants
- Ferns of the National Park Service, Intermountain Region
- Fish Dam Ford Heritage Preserve
- Fish Lake
- Fish Lake Pines State Natural Area
- Fish Lake Wildlife Area
- FLC - Field Botany (Bio 382) - Week 2 - Cox Canyon/Junction Creek - Summer 2024
- FLC - Field Botany (Bio 382) - Week 3 - Overend Mt. Park and Boyce Lake - Summer 2024
- FLC Field Botany (BIO 382) - Week 1 Summer 2020
- FLC Field Botany (BIO 382) - Week 1 Summer 2021 - Chris Park/Elbert Creek (including lab plants)
- FLC Field Botany (BIO 382) - Week 2 Summer 2020 - Chris Park/Elbert Creek
- FLC Field Botany (BIO 382) - Week 2 Summer 2023 - Chris Park and Boyce Lakes (including lab plants)
- FLC Field Botany (BIO 382) - Week 3 Summer 2020 - Columbus Basin
- FLC Field Botany (BIO 382) - Week 3 Summer 2021 - Tomahawk Basin (including lab plants)
- FLC Field Botany (BIO 382) - Week 3 Summer 2023 - Pagosa and La Plata Canyon - lower portion
- FLC Field Botany (BIO 382) - Week 4 Summer 2020 - Columbus Basin/Andrews Lake Fen/Scout Lake
- FLC Field Botany (BIO 382) - Week 4 Summer 2021
- FLC Field Botany (BIO 382) - Week 4 Summer 2023 (La Plata Canyon - Tamahawk and Cumberland Basins)
- Flora & Vegetation of the Cumberland Plateau In Alabama
- Flora de Colima
- Flora nativa del Jardín Botánico Culiacán
- Flora Neomexicana III: An illustrated identification manual, Parts 1 and 2. 2020. Unverified Taxa.
- Flora Neomexicana III: An illustrated identification manual, Parts 1 and 2. 2020. Verified Taxa.
- Flora of Annie Louise Wilkerson M.D. Nature Preserve Park
- Flora of Battle Park
- Flora of Beavers' Meadow
- Flora of Bladen County, North Carolina. Floristics. North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
- Flora of Cane Creek Mountains, Alamance County, North Carolina
- Flora of Cave Creek Regional Park (in progress)
- Flora of Cheaha State Park
- Flora of Crowders Mountain State Park
- Flora of Dauphin Island, Mobile County, Alabama
- Flora of Deep River Basin (Houck)
- Flora of Deep River Basin (Kessler)
- Flora of Elbert County, Georgia
- Flora of Eno River State Park
- Flora of Erie Islands
- Flora of Hard Labor Creek State Park
- Flora of Hofmann Forest
- Flora of Huggins Island
- Flora of Jefferson County
- Flora of Kentucky (sensu Littlefield/Weakley)
- Flora of Little River on Lookout Mountain
- Flora of Locust Fork Riverscour Communities, Southern Table Plateaus
- Flora of McDuffie County, Georgia. Area of the Fall Line Sand-hills, vicinity of Thomson.
- Flora of Millersville
- Flora of Moores Creek National Military Park Pender County, North Carolina
- Flora of Mount Hakkoda
- Flora of Ossabaw Island
- Flora of Philadelphia
- Flora of Ridge and Valley Seepage Bogs
- Flora of Roanoke Island, Dare County, North Carolina
- Flora of Rock Lodge Project
- Flora of Rock Lodge Project
- Flora of Roundabout Meadow Wildlife Management Area (Loudoun County, Virginia)
- Flora of SRP [Savannah River Plant]
- Flora of Subtropical Florida
- Flora of the Black Belt
- Flora of the Bull Creek Watershed Osceola County, Florida
- Flora of the Corrotoman River Watershed
- Flora of the Croatan National Forest (Wilson Kraus, Elizabeth Jean)
- Flora of the Genus Camellia
- Flora of the Granite Outcrops of Eastern North Carolina
- Flora of the Hanging Rock Area (Rohrer)
- Flora of the HD Mountains
- Flora of the Horner Bird and Wildlife Sanctuary
- Flora of the John W. Powell N.C.A.
- Flora of the Monongahela National Forest
- Flora of the NC Sandhills Wildlife Management Area
- Flora of the proposed South Mt State Park
- Flora of the Queen Charlotte Islands. I. Systematics of the Vascular Plants
- Flora of the Queen Charlotte Islands. II. Cytological aspects of the vascular plants
- Flora of the Tom Yawkey Wildlife Center
- Flora of the Unglaciated Allegheny Plateau of Southeastern Ohio
- Flora of White Pines Natural Area
- Floristic and vegetational survey of the Chattooga River Gorge
- Floristic Inventory of Morningside Nature Center, Alachua County, Florida
- Floristic survey and vegetational analysis of Lost Cove, Avery County, North Carolina
- Floristic Survey of Lower Watersheds of Maquoketa and Wapsipinicon Rivers, Iowa
- Floristic Survey of The Lumber River Conservancy's Sampson's Landing
- Floristics of Southern Appalachian Rock Outcrops
- Fort Frederick Heritage Preserve
- Four Peaks Wilderness
- French Broad Basin Project
- Frog Lake & Pines State Natural Area
- Gateway Loop
- Gauley River National Recreation Area specimens at NCU
- Genera et Species Plantarum Argentinarum
- Gift to NCU 2002 Jesup Herbarium Dartmouth College
- Gift to NCU from the University of North Carolina-Greensboro 2018
- Glacial Lake Grantsburg Properties
- Glassy Mountain Heritage Preserve
- GLRI Coastal and Riparian Areas Project: Invasive species watchlist
- Golden and vicinity, Jefferson County, Colorado
- Golfito
- Gopher Branch Heritage Preserve
- Graminoid
- Grass Class - ASU fall 2009
- Grasses in North America
- Grasses of the Carolinas
- Grassy Bald
- Grave of Thomas Walter
- GRCA Collections Needed
- Great Pee Dee River Heritage Preserve
- Green Canyon, Cache Co., UT
- GreenLots - Tucson
- Guadalupe Mountains National Park
- Guadalupe plants
- Guanajuato, Mexico
- Guide to the Vascular Flora of Picture Creek Diabase Barrens (Granville County, North Carolina).
- Guide to the Vascular Flora of the Savannas, Flatwoods, and Sandhills of Shaken Creek Preserve and V
- Gulf of California/Sonoran Desert - mainland master list spring 2015
- Gulf of California/Sonoran Desert - master list spring 2015
- Gulf of California/Sonoran Desert - Playa Estrella spring 2015
- Gulf of California/Sonoran Desert - Santa Cruz Estuary spring 2015
- Gulf of California/Sonoran Desert - Sonoran Desert spring 2015
- Gulf of California/Sonoran Desert - Tastiota Estuary spring 2015
- H. R. Totten Teaching Collection
- Hart Prairie
- Haw River Trail / Mountains-to-Sea Trail
- HCNH - July 2023 wildflowers, common grasses, selected woody species
- Heath (Shrub) Bald
- Henderson heritage Preserve
- Herbarium of Dr. F. Blanchard
- Herbarium of H. G. Rugg
- Herbarium of Highlands Museum
- Herbarium of Jesse M. Shaver (1886-1961) George Peabody College for Teachers
- Herbarium of Mrs. Alice F. Stevens
- Herbarium of the Pedigreed Seed Company Based on Dr. W. C. Coker: Plant Life of Hartsville, S. C.
- Herbarium Pharmaceuticum oder die officinellen Pflanzen der deutschen Flora in getrockneten Exemplar
- Heritage Preserve Inventory Forty Acre Rock Heritage Preserve
- Hermosillo 55-km radius
- High Line Canal Botanical Survey
- Highlands Center for Natural History - Common Grasses
- Historical Vascular Plant Flora of Fountain County, Indiana
- Historical Vascular Plant Flora of Gibson County, Indiana
- Historical Vascular Plant Flora of Knox County, Indiana
- Historical Vascular Plant Flora of Parke County, Indiana
- Historical Vascular Plant Flora of Posey County, Indiana
- Historical Vascular Plant Flora of Sullivan County, Indiana
- Historical Vascular Plant Flora of the Lower Indiana Wabash River Corridor
- Historical Vascular Plant Flora of Tippecanoe County, Indiana
- Historical Vascular Plant Flora of Vermillion County, Indiana
- Historical Vascular Plant Flora of Vigo County, Indiana
- Historical Vascular Plant Flora of Warren County, Indiana
- HLC_RF_WorkingList
- Hood County, Texas
- HORT 210
- Indigenous Plants of South Florida
- ITD Grasses
- Jaime Golightly courtyard invasive plants list
- Jaime Golightly Courtyard Ponderosa Pine zone
- Jaime Major Golightly Courtyard Mixed Conifer Zone
- Jaime Major Golightly Courtyard Pinyon Juniper Zone
- Jaime Major Golightly Courtyard Riparian Zone
- Jaime Major Golightly Courtyard Spruce-Fir Zone
- James River Face Wilderness
- Janet Harrison High Pond Heritage Preserve
- Jefferson County
- Jocassee Gorges WMA
- Johnson County, Texas
- July at the Museum of Northern Arizona
- Jumping Mouse Seed Scouting Species
- June at the Museum of Northern Arizona
- Kaufman County, Texas
- Kings Canyon
- Lake Evelyn State Natural Area
- Lakeside Planting, Prospect Park, Brooklyn
- Lampshire Canyon, Box Canyon
- Las Cienegas National Conservation Area
- Las Guijas Wash
- LEG 30IN Pipeline
- Legumes of the Carolina Sandhills
- Leslie Canyon and San Bernardino NWRs Invasive Species Watch List
- Lewis Ocean Bay Heritage Preserve
- LILLEY CORNETT WOODS: Vascular flora and its distribution in plant communities at Lilley Cornett Woo
- Linum allredii associated species
- Lista preliminar de plantas de la Laguna La Sauceda, Hermosillo, Sonora, México
- Listado de Plantas Vasculares del Municipio de Tepache
- Listado de Sierra Espinazo Prieto
- Listado del Golfo de Santa Clara
- Little Pee Dee Heritage Preserve
- Lone Star (Cleveland)
- Longbottom
- Longleaf Pine Heritage Preserve
- Lost Dog Trail
- Lowry Piedmont Grasslands
- Lumbee Medicinal Plants List with Linked Vouchers Available at UNCP
- Lynchburg Savanna Heritage Preserve
- Macon County [NC] Natural Areas Inventory
- Maine - cultivated, locally escaped, and other questionable occurrences
- Malezas de Colima
- Marcus Landslide Trail
- Martha's Property
- Mary Ann's Out-of-State 2022
- Mary's List
- Masked Bobwhite Quail Food
- Matt Perry's Patuxent Records
- Maywoods Thomas
- Meadowlark Botanical Gardens Potomac Valley Collection
- Medicinal Plants of the Lumbee Indians
- Mesa Grande Cultural Park
- Mexican Gulf Coast Flora
- Milam County, Texas
- Mississippi
- MNA Michael Moore Medicinal Garden
- Mogollon Canyon Wilderness areas of the Coconino and Prescott National Forests
- Monarch Foodchains
- Monroe County
- Montane Island Plant Communities
- Mosses of Chiricahua National Monument
- MSP Expected list
- MSP Previous collections
- Mt. Goliath & Mt. Evans Poaceae, Cyperaceae, and Juncaceae Checklist
- Munds Mountain Wilderness
- Museum of Northern Arizona Jaime Major Golightly Courtyard
- Museum of Northern Arizona Nature Trail
- MVC Limery Road Property
- N. C. Geological Survey
- National Geographic Society-National Park Service, Wetherill Mesa Archeology Project
- National Wetland Condition Assessment (Ungberg)
- NAU - BIO 414 Native Plants Fall 2011
- NAU - BIO 414 Native Plants Fall 2013
- NAU - BIO 414 Native Plants Fall 2015
- NAU Native Plants 2015 Final
- NAU Native Plants Fall 2017 Final
- NAU-BIO414---Exam1-Woody Plants
- NAU-BIO414---Exam2
- NAU-BIO414---Exam2-Woody Plants
- NAU-BIO414-2020
- NAU-BIO414-FinalExam
- Navarro County, Texas
- NC Natural Areas Study June 1-Aug 1, 1975
- NC Natural Areas Study May 15-June 30, 1974
- New Mexico Spring bloomers
- New River Gorge National Park & Preserve specimens at NCU
- NICHES Land Trust: Farris Estate
- Night pollinator garden
- Nipper Creek Heritage Preserve
- NMDOT/ Germplasm project species list
- Non-Native Plants of the Desert Southwest
- Non-Native Species of Chaco Canyon
- North Carolina Natural Heritage Program
- North Fork of the American River Conservation & Research Area
- North Tract, Patuxent Research Refuge, Powerline Right-of-way
- Northern Arizona - Systematics of Seed Plants fall 2014
- Northern Arizona - Wetlands Ecology and Management fall 2015
- Northwest El Paso
- Noxious Weeds
- NYC Parks
- Oasis de los Osos
- Observatory Woods
- Okefenokee Swamp Ecosystem Project
- Ontario County
- Opal Lake, Archuleta County
- Open Space Checklist
- Opuntia in Maryland
- Orange County Check-list
- Oro Valley Papaz
- Otter Slough Conservation Area Botanical Inventory
- Outer Banks Flora (A floristic study of the Outer Banks of North Carolina)
- Pacolet River Heritage Preserve
- Palo Pinto County, Texas
- Parke, Davis & Co. Herbarium
- Parker County, Texas
- Parliament Solar, Waller, Texas
- Peachtree Rock Heritage Preserve
- Pecos West/Newman Coverter Station - El Paso
- Peterson Stewardship Forest
- Phoenix Four Rivers Flora
- Plains Conservation Center
- Plains Conservation Center- West Bijou site
- Plant providers Dryland bed
- Plant providers seed and plant bed #12
- Plant providers seed and plant bed #6
- Plant providers seed and plant bed #8
- Plant providers seed and plant bed #9
- Plant providers seed and plant West bed
- Plant providers Southwest seed and plant bed
- Plant Taxonomy with Dr. Steele
- Plantae Indiae Occidentalis
- Plantas exóticas invasoras del Estado de Sonora
- Plants at Moapa (Native)
- Plants at Moapa (Non-Native or Invasive)
- Plants in vicinity of sand ridge along Altamaha River
- Plants of Bernheim Forest
- Plants of Cliffs of the Neuse State Park
- Plants of Coker Arboretum
- Plants of Derelict Mine Sites
- Plants of Hanging Rock State Park (Ahles)
- Plants of Island Creek
- Plants of North Carolina Marsh and Aquatic Flora
- Plants of Southeastern Pennsylvania 2018
- Plants of Southeastern Pennsylvania 2019
- Plants of Southeastern Pennsylvania 2021
- Plants of Southeastern Pennsylvania 2022
- Plants of Southeastern Pennsylvania 2023
- Plants of the "Driftless Area"
- Plants of the Blackwood Division -- Duke Forest
- Plants of the Carolina Vegetation Survey
- Plants of the Fiery Gizzard Gorges
- Plants of the Great Dismal Swamp
- Plants of the Green Swamp
- Plants of the Interior Highlands of North America
- Plants of the Laurel Hill Nature Preserve
- Plants of the National Colonial Farm
- Plants of the Ocoee River Gorge, Polk County, Tennessee
- Plants of the Red River Gorge, Kentucky
- Plants of William B. Umstead State Park
- Poinsett Bridge Heritage Preserve
- Pollinators Garden for Biocultural Diversity
- Pond Flora of Bartow County, Georgia
- Preliminary Checklist for the Arkansas Valley
- Prescott Region
- Quail Springs Ranch
- Quartz Trail
- Rancho Los Baños
- RANGE_316_Plant Collections
- Ranson/Edwards Homestead Open Space Park, Jefferson County, Colorado
- Red Rock Secret Mountain Wilderness
- Red Spruce-Fraser Fir forest
- Redlair Preserve
- Reed Lake Meadow State Natural Area
- Resolving relationships and phylogeographic history of the Nyssa sylvatica complex using data from R
- Ridges Mountain Flora
- Rio de Flag
- Riparian Species BDNF
- Riparian Vegetation of the Southern Appalachians
- River Refuges Baseline Inventory and EDRR
- RNG 350: Asparagales, Commelinales, Juncaceae, Cyperaceae
- RNG 350: Cynodonteae and Eragrostideae
- RNG 350: Meliceae, Stipeae, Bromeae
- RNG 350: Midterm Exam
- RNG 350: Poeae I
- RNG 350: Triticodae
- Roadside and cultivated field vegetation in Duplin County
- Rock Hill Blackjacks HP
- Rock Outcrops
- Rockwall County, Texas
- Rocky Face Mountain, Alexander County, North Carolina
- Roden Crater Study
- Sagehen Basin Plant Species
- Sagehen Creek Experimental Forest
- Salix arizonica associated species
- San Bernardino Draft Checklist
- Sand Bench Area - San Juan National Forest, CO
- Sand Hill Flora
- Santa Rita Experimental Range species list
- Santee Coastal Reserve
- Savage Bay Heritage Preserve
- Savannah River Bluffs Heritage Preserve
- Schuylkill Banks near Bartram's Garden
- Science Lodge Reference Herbarium of Colorado Front Range Flora
- Sclerocactus cloverae associated species
- SDFB-week by week
- Seedling Collection
- Seeds of Success Native Seed Collection Program
- Seney_NWR_2019
- Shealey's Pond Heritage Preserve
- Sierra de La Giganta
- Smoot Hill - George Hudson Biological Preserve
- Somervell County, Texas
- Sonoran Desert Field Botany 2013 (ASU)
- Sonoran Desert Field Botany Spring 2013
- SOS Target Species 2017
- SOS Target Species 2018
- Southern Coastal Baja California
- Southwest Plant Conservation Alliance List
- Southwest Seed Partnership Herbarium
- SPLT Fresh Tracks Preserve
- Spring 2012 Flora of Arizona Campus Plants
- Spring 2012 Flora of Arizona Keyed Plants
- Spring Garden Community Garden Checklist
- Spring Hollow Campground, Logan
- Spring Mountains NRA - Cathedral Rock road strip summer 2018
- Spring Mountains NRA - Cathedral Rock trailhead summer 2018
- Spring Mountains NRA - east side master list summer 2018
- Spring Mountains NRA - Kyle Canyon fire station summer 2018
- Spring Mountains NRA - Kyle Canyon visitor center summer 2018
- Spring Mountains NRA - Lee Canyon Dolomite/McWilliams summer 2018
- Spring Mountains NRA - Lee Canyon Foxtail picnic area summer 2018
- Spring Mountains NRA - Lee Canyon Old Mill picnic area summer 2018
- Spring Mountains NRA - Mahogany Grove summer 2018
- Spring Mountains NRA - middle Kyle Canyon picnic area summer 2018
- Spring Mountains NRA - upper Kyle Canyon summer 2018
- Spring Mountains NRA - west side master list summer 2018
- Springstead Muskeg State Natural Area
- SSLUG Bike rack project
- Stansbury Mountains (Tooele Co.), Utah
- Stevens Creek Heritage Preserve
- Studies of Pritchard's Island Flora
- Studies of Western American Alpine Erigerons
- Studies on Bacterial Efflux Pump Inhibitors in Land Plants
- Survey of Botanical Forefathers Thomas Walter's Grave Site Berkeley County, South Carolina
- Survey of Remnant Dune Communities
- Survey of the Limestones of the Carolinas
- Survey of Tidal Marsh Species Baruch Marine Field Laboratory
- Sussex MG Meadow Plot 1B
- Sussex MG Meadow Plot1A
- Sussex MG Meadow Plot2A
- Sussex MG Meadow Plot2B
- Sussex MG Meadow Plot2C
- Sweeney Granite Mountains Desert Reserch Center
- SWSP General Species List
- Sycamore canyon
- Sycamore Canyon Wilderness
- Sycamore Land Trust: Sam Shine Preserve
- T. G. Harbison Herbarium of the University of North Carolina
- TAFO Species List
- Taggart: Inventory, classification, and preservation of coastal plain savannas in the Carolinas
- Tarrant County, Texas
- Temporary freshwater wetlands floristics in central Mexico highlands
- TEUI climate and soils monitoring plant list A-S NF September 2022
- The Ferns and Fern Allies of South Carolina (Part I of III)
- The Ferns and Fern Allies of South Carolina (Part II of III)
- The flora and community types of Goose Creek State Park, North Carolina
- The Flora of Sycamore Canyon, Pajarito Mountains
- The floristics of the Iredell Soil Series in the central Piedmont of North Carolina
- The Guide to the Vascular Flora of Pondberry Bay Preserve
- The Madrean Archipelago Wetland Flora
- The New Mexico Plant List
- The University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Northern Arizona Native Plants List
- The Vascular Flora of Alleghany County, NC
- The vascular flora of Bluff Mountain, Ashe County, North Carolina
- The vascular flora of Bullhead Mountain, Alleghany County, North Carolina
- The Vascular Flora of McLean Co., Western Ky. Coalfields Region
- The Vascular Flora of Potato Hill Bog, Watauga County, NC
- The Vascular Plants of the John A. Kleber Game Preserve and Songbird Sanctuary, Owen County, Kentuck
- The vegetation of Baker Outcrop
- Theodore Roosevelt National Park
- Theodore Roosevelt NP Riparian Extensive Plots
- Tillman Sand Ridge Heritage Preserve
- Tonto 4FRI Botany Crew Target List
- Tonto National Forest - Payson Ranger District
- Tortolita Mountains south
- Toy Lake State Natural Area
- Trail impact study 2014
- Transylvania County Natural Areas Inventory
- Tribal Nations Botanical Research Collaborative
- Tucson SOS Crew Target Species
- Tumacacori Chile Reserve Wild Crop Relatives
- Tumacacori CWR
- Tumacacori/WCBA priority CWR
- Turtle-Flambeau Patterned Bog State Natural Area
- Tuzigoot National Monument
- Uinita Mountains
- University of Idaho REM 252 - All Plants So Far (January - April 6th)
- University of Idaho REM 252 - Great Basin Plants
- University of Idaho REM 252 - Great Plains Plants
- University of Idaho REM 252 - Intermountain Plants
- University of Idaho REM 252 - Invasive Plants
- University of Idaho REM 252 - Pacific Region Plants
- University of Idaho REM 252 - Pet Plants
- University of Idaho REM 252 - Riparian Plants
- University of Idaho REM 252 - Southwest Plants
- USFS Plant Association Workshop 2023 A-S NF Site 11: Corkbark Fir Series
- USFS Plant Association Workshop 2023 A-S NF Site 12: White Fir Series
- USFS Plant Association Workshop 2023 A-S NF Site 14: White Fir Series
- USFS Plant Association Workshop 2023 A-S NF Site 18: Blue Spruce Series
- USFS Plant Association Workshop 2023 A-S NF Site 1: White Fir Series
- USFS Plant Association Workshop 2023 A-S NF Site 5: Corkbark Fir Series
- USFS Plant Association Workshop 2023 A-S NF Site 6: Blue Spruce Series
- USFS Plant Association Workshop 2023 A-S NF Site 8: Pinyon Pine Series
- USFS Plant Association Workshop 2023 A-S NF Site 9: White Fir Series
- Utah Dinosaur National Monument
- Van Alstyne Tract
- Vascular Flora of DeSoto Co., Mississippi
- Vascular Flora of Obed Wild and Scenic River
- Vascular Flora of Steels Creek Drainage
- Vascular Flora of Taylor Fork Ecological Area
- Vascular Flora of Tennessee Army National Guard Training Facility
- Vascular Flora of the Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area
- Vascular Flora of the Chauga River, Oconee County, South Carolina
- Vascular flora of the dunes and sand flats of Run Hill State Natural Area (Dare Co., North Carolina)
- Vascular Flora of The Ocoee River Gorge
- Vascular Flora of Three Top Mountain Game Land Preserve, Ashe County, NC
- Vascular Flora of Tipton County, Tennessee"
- Vascular Plants of the Hillman Boy Scout Reservation
- Vegetation of high-elevation rock outcrops of the Southern Appalachians
- Vegetation Survey of Richard B. Russell Dam & Lake Area
- Verde river, Oak Creek, and Sycamore Creek 2018
- Victoria Bluff Heritage Preserve
- Voucher for Pollen or Spore: Late Quaternary vegetation change in southwestern New York State
- W. H. Emory
- W. H. Emory
- W. W. Ashe Herbarium of the University of North Carolina
- W. W. Eggleston Herbarium
- Waccamaw River Heritage Preserve
- Waccamaw Siouan Homeland
- Wadakoe Mountain HP
- Walls of Jericho
- Wateree Heritage Preserve /Wildlife Management Area
- Watson-Cooper Heritage Preserve
- Wayne County
- Webb Wildlife Center
- Weber Advance Field Botany plants
- Weighted averages of vegetation data as a means of delineating wetlands
- Western Midriff Islands - Alcatraz spring 2105
- Western Midriff Islands - Angel De La Guarda spring 2015
- Western Midriff Islands - Cuervo Islet spring 2015
- Western Midriff Islands - Las Animas spring 2015
- Western Midriff Islands - master list spring 2015
- Western Midriff Islands - Partida Norte spring 2015
- Western Midriff Islands - Rasa spring 2015
- Western Midriff Islands - Salsipuedes spring 2015
- Western Midriff Islands - San Esteban spring 2015
- Western Midriff Islands - San Lorenzo spring 2015
- Western Midriff Islands - San Pedro Martir spring 2015
- Western Midriff Islands - Tiburon spring 2015
- Wet Beaver Wilderness
- Wheaton Regional Park_
- White Mountain AZ Flora
- Willow Creek
- Wise County, Texas
- Woods Bay Heritage Preserve
- Wool Mills of South Carolina
- Yavapai Ranch - Y2
- Yavapai Ranch - Y20
- Yavapai Ranch - Y25
- Yavapai Ranch - Y5
- Yavapai Ranch - Y6 Area
- YBCU DollBaby Trees and Shrubs