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Archbold Biological Station
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Austin Peay State University Herbarium
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Bennington College Herbarium
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Bureau of Land Management, Redding Field Office Herbarium
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Bureau of Land Management, San Luis Valley Field Office
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Jewell and Arline Moss Settle Herbarium at SUNY Oneonta
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Kelley Botanical Library
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Mesa Verde National Park
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Patuxent Research Refuge, Maryland
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Sagehen Herbarium
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Tall Timbers Research Station
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Trinidad State College
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University of Lethbridge Herbarium
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University of Manitoba Vascular Plant Herbarium
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University of Vermont, Pringle Herbarium
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Yukon University Herbarium
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Archbold Biological Station
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Austin Peay State University Herbarium
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Bennington College Herbarium
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Bureau of Land Management, Redding Field Office Herbarium
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Bureau of Land Management, San Luis Valley Field Office
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Jewell and Arline Moss Settle Herbarium at SUNY Oneonta
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Kelley Botanical Library
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Mesa Verde National Park
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Patuxent Research Refuge, Maryland
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Sagehen Herbarium
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Tall Timbers Research Station
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Trinidad State College
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University of Lethbridge Herbarium
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University of Manitoba Vascular Plant Herbarium
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University of Vermont, Pringle Herbarium
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Yukon University Herbarium
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Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
Safford Field Office
National Park Service (NPS)
National Park Service
United States Forest Service (USFS)
Coronado National Forest
Fish and Wildlife Service, Region Two