University of California at Davis Herbarium (DAV)University of California, Davis herbarium collections are worldwide, with emphasis on California, North America, and neotropics (especially Ecuador and Baja California); Quercus, Fagaceae, and Arctostaphylos, Ericaceae of New World; Euphorbiaceae; Poaceae; Clarkia (Onagraceae); Lycianthes and Lycopersicon (Solanaceae); Stephanomeria and tarweed genera (Asteraceae); Navarretia (Polemoniaceae); Allium (Alliaceae); Trifolium (Fabaceae);Prunus (Rosaceae); Central Valley of California vernal pool species; weedy and poisonous species of California and Mediterranean-climate regions; range plants of California; alpine flora of western North America. Size of collection: 320,000 specimens, 50% from California. Director: Dan Potter, dpotter@ucdavis.edu Curator: Alison Colwell, aelcolwell@ucdavis.edu Collections Manager: Teri Barry, tcbarry@ucdavis.edu Emeritus Curator: Ellen Dean, eadean@ucdavis.edu Homepage: http://herbarium.ucdavis.edu Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 18 May 2023 Digital Metadata: EML File Usage Rights: CC BY-NC (Attribution-Non-Commercial) Access Rights: http://ucjeps.berkeley.edu/consortium/data_use_terms.html Address:
Center for Plant Diversity; Department of Plant Sciences MS#7 University of California 1 Shields Ave. Davis, CA 95616-8780 U.S.A. (530) 752-1091 Collection Statistics
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